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My Practice


My practice is a results-driven Chinese medical practice that combines acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine and bodywork together to create a truly integrative medical experience.

No two people are treated the same. I take into account a variety of factors: patient history, their constitution, the stress they are facing, their current strengths and weaknesses based on the person, digestion and diet and a variety of other factors. This highly customized approach provides for not only greater and quicker success in simple cases, but also success in more complex cases where the patient has only previously found failure.

I take  the time to engage with each patient to understand everything they are concerned with, such as pain, stress or simply what does acupuncture entail, asking holistic questions to conceive of a larger picture of the patient and their life. From this integrated web I am able to draw a more precise and meaningful diagnosis and strategies to address both the individual concerns of the patient as well as their overall well-being. Acupuncture, herbal medicine, bodywork and lifestyle therapies are woven together to comprehensively address each patient’s needs.

Patients that receive this level of care will not only find their problems addressed and resolved with this holistic method, but discover that they also feel better overall. By taking care of the whole and the pieces we can experience profound and surprising results.    

What separates my approach to acupuncture and Chinese medicine are threefold; tradition, dedication and commitment. I take a dynamic approach rooted in ancient techniques that were once practiced within the imperial court of the last empress of China, these powerful techniques reliably create stronger, more immediate treatments than most other styles. I endeavors to study and train with the top in the field. From herbs to acupuncture, I am dedicated to training and developing my skills as much as possible. Lastly I am committed to your health and will devote myself to finding solutions to your health concerns until they are met. By choosing me as your acupuncturist you are also choosing an advocate for your health and well-being.